2018 ESDC webinar Q&A collection

Up Squared Board

Q: Do you have user manual for Up2 board?

A: https://wiki.up-community.org/Hardware_Specific you can check this link to get hardware information.




Q: What is the largest translation speed between UP2 and C5P?

A: C5P supports gen1 x4 ,UP2 supports gen2 x1, when the two boards (C5P&UP2) work together, the speed is gen1 x1 , 2.5Gbps


Q: where can i download the PCIE driver?

A: Here is the C5P resources link(including the PCIE driver): http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=China&CategoryNo=203&No=1153&PartNo=4


Q: Is there any other way to transmit data besides PCIE driver?

A: Uart. Besides PCIE, you can also use Uart port(J6)


Q: How can data be communicated between UP2 and C5P?

A: Which port do you select? PCIE or Uart?


Q: And how can i send datd from c5p to up2?

A: We have opencl demo for students' reference. You can download the demo from the previous link that I have sent you.


Q: when I was testing the aocl programe command,I got this

 “No flash routine supplied. Please consult your board manufacturer's documentation or support team for information on how to load a new image on to the FPGA. “  how can I solve this problem?

A: You should obtain the root permission and then type commands "aocl flash".

if you still encounter some issues , you can send e-mail to our support team:support@terasic.com.cn.


Q: Are there any code routines related to UP2 and C5P?

A: You can get code routines ( UART,PCIe ,OpenCL) from link: http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=China&No=1153#


Q: What i mean is that if i choose PCIe toconnect c5p with up2,where can i get correspond code or program of c5p and up2?

A: You mean lack of drive?Yes, we have the demos for C5P and UP2 (communicating with PCIE port), the videos(《C5P Introduction》 《C5P PCIE Demo Running on PU2》) we show you includes these demos. These demos can be downloaded from link:http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=China&No=1153# Drivers for Windows&Linux are in the CD or OpenCL BSP, please refer to the manual



Other questions

Q: Is it compulsory to use intel system studio?

A: It's not compulsury to use iss. The up squared board is the mandatory.


Q: can we implement AI by using UP2 alone without Movidius ?

A: Yes. Movidius NCS can be well cooperated with UP2 but you could definitely choose to develop on UP2 alone.


Q: Could we get more tutorials on UP2 ?

A: https://software.intel.com/en-us/esdc/2018 This is the training website for ESDC. If we have new tutorials, we will upload it.


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